Please do not visit the clinic if you have signs or symptoms of viral illness, are a close contact of a confirmed case or have received a positive Covid-19 test result.
We would prefer visitors to the clinic to be vaccinated against Covid-19, but it is not a requirement of entry and clinicians may exercise discretion. Appointments by videoconference can be arranged as an alternative.
If face masks are mandated as a public health measure, visitors will be required to wear masks. On occasion, clinicians may invite patients to remove their masks during consultations to facilitate assessment or treatment. Appointments by videoconference can be arranged as an alternative.
Physical distancing requirements may limit our waiting room capacity. Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment and bring no unnecessary companions.
We understand that these arrangements may not suit everyone and that some visitors will have formal exemptions. If this is the case, we would still request you opt for a videoconference appointment to help protect yourself, our staff and our other patients.